Grendplatz 2a
45276 Essen
Bookings: We are constantly getting contacted by Bookingagencies and by bands

who wanna play at Freak Show...and that is fantastic - it´s great that you´ve

found our venue and it is fantastic to see that there´s still lot´s of bands that

still keep the good spirit up...please keep getting in contact....

Send us links with some songs,Video-live-clips and some short info about your band,

it´s always good to know where you come from,if you are a local band,from another

city or from another country.....etc. And if you have a homepage/Facebook/Myspacesite

etc. then please incl. a link to these sites as well. If we don´t need to search for infos,

songs and homepages about your bands then we would save lot´s of time and we can

then respond faster to your requests....thanx!

We check all bands out that are getting in contact with us - but we are not able to

reply to all requests. So.....if we think your band would work out in our bar then we will

get back to you, normally within 1 or 2 weeks.

We try to reply to bands that we don´t attend to book as well...but lack of time

makes it impossible to answer all of you.....But have in mind: if we send you a

short message that we´re not interested in booking your band or if we don´t

get back to you - it doesn´t mean that we think your band sucks!!!

Keep sending requests, with music- video and homepage links and we will

get back to you if we think it would work in our bar!

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